Saturday, May 22, 2010

Recruiting is Like Dreaming

Recruitment is important because a movement is nothing without activists. It will be impossible to reach 1000s with the Gospel of Jesus in the Northwest through planting churches without recruits for the task!

Many people want to be involved in something bigger than themselves (esp., spiritual endeavors that are inline with the Great Commission of Jesus); they just need to be asked to join.

I'm finding that recruitment works best when you "paint a picture" for the individual about what you are trying to accomplish. Help people see this opportunity like a dream.

1. Tell them what the dream is all about.  Use vivid, creative language.  Show them a picture or a video that communicates the heart of your message.  Help them to "see" what you "see" before it can be seen!

2. Tell them how they fit into that dream.  They have a leading role in this dream and need to be told what that is.  Stress the importance and the opportunity of the moment to get involved!

3. Tell them the predicted outcome of their involvement with that dream.  Will people be saved?  Will lives be transformed?  Will a community or city be reached with the Gospel?  Explain just what you expect to find on the other side of reality once the dream comes true.

Here are some questions to ponder regarding recruitment:

- Who should I try to recruit? (First determine your need, then ask what kind of person can fill it.)

- Who is "off limits" in recruitment? (Will you recruit unsaved people? Will you recruit believers connected to other ministries? etc.)

- Are there lines in recruitment that should not be crossed? (What are the values that compose your recruitment criteria?)

What has worked in your recruitment efforts? What hasn't worked? I'd like to hear!


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