Sunday, May 9, 2010

Northwest Mission

The heart of this blog is to function as a running journal of the thoughts and discoveries I encounter along the way as we re-imagine the vision that God has for our church: to reach 1000s of people with the Gospel of Jesus throughout the Northwest Region of Sacramento: from North Natomas, to West Sac, to Downtown, to Del Paso Heights, to Rio Linda, to South Natomas.

· How is this done?
· What steps need to be taken?
· What are the lessons learned?
· What works?
· What doesn't?

Journey with me (and if you're down enough, JOIN ME) on this Northwest Mission.


  1. I would be down with you if I was there. I will have to pray from a distance.

  2. · How is this done?
    through relationships (neighbors, co-workers, family)
    · What steps need to be taken?
    getting focus on God and others (not self)
    realizing the church is not a building, but people
    equipping the people of God to do the work of God
    · What are the lessons learned?
    work in progress (to be seen)
    · What works?
    relational evangelism
    · What doesn't?
    confrontational evangelism

  3. Wow Ryan . . . you LITERALLY sound just like me

    I'm in 100% agreement with your thoughts

    So when are you moving back to Cali, man? We really could use the help of a dedicated, committed leader as yourself! (Seriously)
