Unfortunately, some people haven't learned how to handle hard-hitting sermons. Instead of getting better they get bitter. That's not the goal. The goal is to be exhorted to a deep love for Christ and a more Biblical worldview that will help shape our behavior by the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
So here are 7 ways to handle hard-hitting sermons:
1. Listen
Don't block out a message before you've given it a hearing. It may be old truth; it may be familiar truth; it may even be repetitive truth--but it's still truth! Keep an open mind and attentive ear to God's Word. Let the Scriptures invade your thinking and do the spiritual work that God intends for it to do.
2. Search the Scriptures
As a hard-hitting message is being preached, follow along in your Bible and read the verses before and after the one being referenced. Get the context. If you're savvy enough, start doing some cross-referencing of other Scriptures and even Google any "questionable" statements on your smartphone or tablet to fact check.
3. Be Sensitive to the Spirit
The Holy Spirit is going to change your life by illuminating your understanding to God's incorruptible Word. As He begins to speak to you about what you're hearing in a hard-hitting message, be sensitive to His voice. Desire to be made different.
4. Exercise Humility
Owning up to where you've gone wrong is difficult; but it's necessary if you want to change! No one is perfect and it doesn't do anyone any good to pretend like you have everything in your Christian life all figured out. Humble yourself before God and to His truth as you're listening to a hard-hitting sermon, then expect grace to flood in like a river!
5. Repent
Here's the key: to change your mind in agreement with what God's Word says. Turning from your current way to the way that God wants you to go ushers in God's forgiveness, grace, wisdom, and strength for the correct path of your life. Your transformation begins when your heart says, "Yes!" to God's truth.
6. Respond
Once you've heard a hard-hitting message, follow any necessary action steps that come to mind or are suggested. If something needs to be changed, change it; if something needs to be said, say it; if someone needs to be forgiven, forgive them; etc.
7. Seek Accountability
You might need to make an appointment with someone on the pastoral staff to talk about whatever issue you're dealing with. Shepherds are in your church to help you, not hurt you. That extra bit of prayer, encouragement, and accountability that you get can go a long way in helping your journey of conformity to the image of Christ.
Now that you have 7 good ways to respond to a hard-hitting message, anticipate using them and watch your spiritual life prosper!
PG, this is a great post, especially for me, especially for today. The pastor at Capital Four Square preached today on Eph 4:4-6. His emphasis was on the role a a child to the Father. What an amazing word! Especially to one that is fatherless in this world. Im not quite sure how to be a son, to the Father; but, I plan on activating these points in my spiritual walk and finding out. I thank God for you PG.
B. Ryan